About Us
Balaji Engineering Equipments established in 1998 is one of the leading manufacturer of modern day Heat Exchangers, Chemical Reactors, Storage Tanks, Chemical filters and Receivers to fulfill day-to-day requirements and demands of various chemical and pharmaceutical sectors,, With our sophisticated machinery and quality systems, we process and supply material with close dimensional tolerances that meets the requirements of Indian and International Standards.
We presently operating in Hyderabad and Visakhapatnam, manufacture to various domains with high degree of quality and timely deliver to the OEM in addition to the various supply chain tiers. Our key characteristic is sustainably maintain customer satisfaction at competitive prices. By utilizing effectiveness and continual improvement of the standard systems, technology, competent personnel and dedicated resources, we manufacture and deliver the products to meet the customer requirements.
We are dedicated and endeavor to manufacture and supply various kinds of chemical and pharmaceutical equipment at high quality and also perform servicing of the equipment and machinery.